Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2/24/09 Newspaper Article Summary

I am not someone who is big on politics or follows the news very closely. So I tried to piece together what it means to finally have the California budget pass. First of all this means a tax increase to make up the $42 billion budget and also spending reductions and revenue increases. California will also borrow money which I don't understand how that is going to help. The term "ugly budget" was used and although it is not a perfect solution, it keeps people working. There was a struggle between the Republicans and Democrats over passing the budget and the Democrats needed at least one Republican to vote for the budget to pass. The Republicans are against budget mostly because of the tax increases and finally Senator Abel Maldonado voted for it.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You establish some valid viewpoints and summarize your article effectively. However, you may need to edit your sentence structure a bit. Your article is an authoritative source due to the fact that it covers viewpoints from both political parties. The argument could be taken further in what the new budget could be spent on or which political party you side with and why. Otherwise, enjoyable article and good summary.
