Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thesis & Outline 3/3/09

There have been many issues in San Jose State because of the new California budget but there many positive points about it and much more negative ones as well.

1. Amount of positive and negative points
A. amount of SJSU students currently
B. how it is now compared to how it will become
C. biggest change
D. effect staff and students
2. How if effects students negatively
A. class enrollment
B. summer school
C. failing a class/having to retake it
D. graduate later
a)stay at school longer
E. fees
F. housing costs
G)possibility of not getting financial aid
a)might run out
3. How it effects student positively
A. bad economy
a)better to stay in school now
b)not making as much money now
c)people go to school when economy is down
d)CSUs are declining students and we already got in
1)SJSU leads all states in declining students next year
e)motivates you not to fail classes
4. Lose faculty
A. less class choices
B. might drop out
C. attend a community college
D. take other classes not in your interest
E. less staff for help
F. performing poorly in classes

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, this outline is really only the conversation that we had in class and is very long. There's not a particular section that is necessarily focused. What do you want to write about? What's interesting? What are the positives? why are the important? How will you interest people?
